Cadzow Software: Emailing, Opting In and Opting OutOur most popular modules are, not surprisingly, Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. However, not many people realise that behind these systems is a highly sophisticated Contact Manager which boasts a cornucopia of features to rival dedicated contact management systems. If you update your customer and supplier details you will know the Organisations screen which allows entry of name, address, phone, fax and email but the real power is under the Contact Manager tab. To manage the emails you have already collected (and you are collecting your customers’ emails, right?), go to Accounts Receivable then Organisations then Email Management. To add or remove emails for individual organisations, double-click the Organisation name. The ability to “Opt In” an email address was added in version 10.01.016. This allows an address to be “active” and therefore included in reports and email dialog boxes but to be excluded from special functions such as bulk emailing of newsletters. For example, you might remove all your suppliers from your newsletter list and you may have customers who ask to be excluded. Once you have a nicely groomed list of emails, you’re ready to send a message. The simplest method is to go to Contact Manager then Contacts — Enquiries then click Next Step (Results). This will display all your contacts. Next click on the Send Email tab, click Generate An Email Address String, unselect Add History Comment and click Generate Email String. Cadzow 2000 will then create a text box containing all your opt-in emails which you can cut and paste into your email program. The Contact Manager Enquiries option is much more powerful than this so if you need to send different emails to different groups of people you can do so using profiles, country, post code and many other criteria. Give it a try! - Tip: To protect your customers’ privacy, use the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field so each recipient doesn’t see all the other addresses.