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Timeslips Issues

U.S. Dates

If Timeslips shows US dates (ie mm/dd/yyyy) instead of Australian dates, despite the fact the user's profile is configured to English (Australia):

  1. Exit Timeslips.

  2. Change the regional settings to a different variety of English, and click Apply.

  3. Change the regional settings back to English (Australia) and click Apply.

Damaged Template

After logging in, Timeslips may prompt:

    The Timeslips Today template you are trying to open is damaged. Please select another template or create a new one.

This may occur if the templates cache is damaged. This may be located in a shared directory or under C:\Program Files\Timeslips\TSTCache. Rename TSTCache to TSTCache.old and let Timeslips rebuild the templates cache. Another method is to rename the subfolder for the user, eg. .\Default\nnnnnnnn.

Cannot Write to TEMP Folder

This may occur if Timeslips cannot write to C:\Program Files\Timeslips\TEMP. Due to Timeslips attempting to write to TSTCache, and other folders under C:\Program Files\Timeslips, a simple solution is provide “Full Control” to all users to that folder.

DLL Errors

On startup you may receive an error similar to:

    Address Violation Error. This error is sometimes serious and the program may need to be exited. Often it indicates that some data is corrupt in memory. If the program was reading from a file, data in that file may be damaged.

    Area: System Error
    Code: 2
    Address: Exception tSystemExceptionC in module Timeslip.exe at 00636B5D

This may be due to mismatched DLLs on the workstation. Run the workstation installer, but choose Full install instead of Upgrade. Then apply any relevant service pack.

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