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PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT ========================= FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 1995 ================================= INCOME ------ 4502 Gross Profit From Trading B 1.00 4503 Gross Profit From Trading C 1.00 4504 Gross Profit From Trading D 1.00 4505 Gross Profit From Trading E 1.00 4506 Gross Profit From Trading F 1.00 4507 Gross Profit From Trading G 1.00 4508 Gross Profit From Trading H 1.00 4509 Gross Profit From Trading I 1.00 4510 Gross Profit From Trading J 1.00 4511 Gross Profit From Trading K 1.00 4512 Gross Profit From Trading L 1.00 4513 Gross Profit From Trading M 1.00 4514 Gross Profit From Trading N 1.00 4515 Gross Profit From Trading O 1.00 4516 Gross Profit From Trading P 1.00 4517 Gross Profit From Trading Q 1.00 4519 Gross Profit From Trading S 1.00 4520 Gross Profit From Rental T 1.00 4540 ------ 1.00 4541 Gross Loss From Trading A [ 23.00] 4568 1.00 4569 NOTE - FIRST SPARE ACCOUNT 1.00 4570 Sales 1.00 4571 Sales 1.00 4575 ------ 1.00 4580 ------ 1.00 4585 ------ 1.00 4590 ------ 1.00 4595 ------ 1.00 4600 Commission Received 1.00 4605 ------ 1.00 4610 Contracts 1.00 4615 ------ 1.00 4620 Fees Received 1.00 4625 ------ 1.00 4630 Franchise Fees Received 1.00 4635 ------ 1.00 4640 Interest Received 1.00 4645 ------ 1.00 4650 Management Fees Received 1.00 4655 ------ 1.00 4660 Rent Received 1.00 4665 ------ 1.00 4670 Royalties 1.00 4675 ------ 1.00 4680 Service Fees Received 1.00 4685 ------ 1.00 4690 Subcontracting 1.00 4695 ------ 1.00 4700 Subsidies 1.00 4705 ------ 1.00 4710 Sundry Income 1.00 4715 ------ 1.00 4720 Takings 1.00 4725 ------ 1.00 4730 Trust Distribution Received 1.00 4735 ------ 1.00 4740 Insurance Recoveries 1.00 4745 ------ 1.00 4750 Workers Compensation Refunds 1.00 4755 ------ 1.00 4760 WorkCover Recoveries 1.00 4765 ------ 1.00 4770 Bad Debts Recovered 1.00 4775 ------ 1.00 4780 Profit On Sale Of Fixed Assets 1.00 4785 ------ 1.00 4790 Discount Received 1.00 4795 ------ 1.00 4800 Government Grants 1.00 4805 ------ 1.00 4810 Government Subsidies Employees 1.00 4815 ------ 1.00 Franked Dividends Public 4820 Companies 1.00 4825 ------ 1.00 Unfranked Dividends Public 4830 Companies 1.00 4835 ------ 1.00 Franked Dividends Private 4840 Companies 1.00 4845 ------ 1.00 Unfranked Dividends Private 4850 Companies 1.00 4855 ------ 1.00 4860 Overseas Dividend Received 1.00 4865 ------ 1.00 4870 Share Of Profits Partnership 1.00 4875 ------ 1.00 4880 Tax Exempt Income 1.00 4885 ------ 1.00 4890 Imputation Credits 1.00 4895 ------ 1.00 4900 GST Rounding Over/Under 1.00 4910 ------ 1.00 4920 ------ 1.00 4930 ------ 1.00 4940 ------ 1.00 4950 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 69.00 INCOME ------ OR - USE THIS SECTION TO SHOW 4951 TRADING AND P&L A/Cs COMBINED 1.00 4952 Sales 1.00 4953 ------ 1.00 4954 ------ 1.00 4955 ------ 1.00 4956 ------ 1.00 4960 ------ 1.00 4968 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 77.00 LESS COST OF GOODS SOLD ----------------------- 4969 Opening Stock (at cost) 1.00 4970 Opening Work In Progress 1.00 4971 Purchases 1.00 4972 ------ 1.00 4973 ------ 1.00 4974 ------ 1.00 4975 ------ 1.00 4998 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 8.00 LESS ---- 4999 Closing Stock (at cost) 1.00 5000 Closing Work In Progress 1.00 ---------- ---------- 6.00 ---------- ---------- 71.00 LESS EXPENSES ------------- 5001 Accountancy Fees 1.00 5005 ------ 1.00 5010 Auditors Fees 1.00 5015 ------ 1.00 5020 Advertising 1.00 5025 Artists Fees 1.00 5026 Artwork 1.00 5050 Amortisation 1.00 5055 ------ 1.00 5060 Bad Debts 1.00 5065 ------ 1.00 5070 Bank Charges 1.00 5075 Bankcard Charges 1.00 5080 Borrowing Expenses 1.00 5085 ------ 1.00 5090 Car Allowance 1.00 5095 ------ 1.00 5100 Cleaning 1.00 5105 ------ 1.00 5110 Commission Paid 1.00 5115 ------ 1.00 5120 Computer Software 1.00 5125 ------ 1.00 5130 Conference & Lecture Expenses 1.00 5140 Consulting Fees 1.00 5145 ------ 1.00 5150 Credit Card Charges 1.00 5155 ------ 1.00 5160 Debt Collection 1.00 5165 ------ 1.00 5170 Depreciation 1.00 5171 Depreciation Buildings 1.00 5172 Depreciation Plant & Equipment 1.00 5173 Depreciation Delivery Van 1.00 5174 Depreciation Motor Vehicles 1.00 Depreciation Fixtures & 5175 Fittings 1.00 5176 Depreciation Office Equipment 1.00 5177 Depreciation Shop Fittings 1.00 5178 Depreciation Small Plant Items 1.00 5179 Depreciation Trucks 1.00 5180 ------ 1.00 5185 ------ 1.00 5190 Diesel 1.00 5195 ------ 1.00 5200 Directors Fees & Emoluments 1.00 5205 Directors Salaries 1.00 5210 Disbursements 1.00 5215 ------ 1.00 5220 Discount Allowed 1.00 5225 ------ 1.00 5230 Donations 1.00 5235 ------ 1.00 5240 Doubtful Debts 1.00 5245 ------ 1.00 5250 Drugs & Dressings 1.00 5260 Employees Board & Lodging 1.00 5265 ------ 1.00 5270 Entertaining 1.00 5275 ------ 1.00 5280 Factory Expenses 1.00 5285 ------ 1.00 5290 ------ 1.00 5295 ------ 1.00 5300 Fees & Charges 1.00 5305 ------ 1.00 5310 Filing Fees 1.00 5315 ------ 1.00 5320 Financial Planning Fees 1.00 5325 ------ 1.00 5330 Fines 1.00 5340 Franchise Fees 1.00 5345 ------ 1.00 5350 Freight & Cartage 1.00 5355 ------ 1.00 5360 Fuel & Oil 1.00 5365 ------ 1.00 5370 Gardening 1.00 5375 ------ 1.00 5380 General Expenses 1.00 5385 ------ 1.00 5390 Heat Light & Power 1.00 5395 ------ 1.00 5400 Hire Plant & Equipment 1.00 5405 ------ 1.00 5410 Hire Purchase Charges 1.00 5415 ------ 1.00 5420 Holiday Pay 1.00 5425 ------ 1.00 5430 Home Office Expenses 1.00 5435 ------ 1.00 5440 Home Workshop Expenses 1.00 5445 ------ 1.00 5450 Insurance 1.00 5455 ------ 1.00 5460 Insurance WorkCover 1.00 5465 ------ 1.00 5470 Interest 1.00 5475 ------ 1.00 5480 Interest Bank 1.00 5485 ------ 1.00 5490 Interest Hire Purchase 1.00 5495 ------ 1.00 5500 Interest Leasing 1.00 5505 ------ 1.00 5510 Interest On Mortgage 1.00 5515 ------ 1.00 5520 Interest Other 1.00 5525 ------ 1.00 5540 Interest Holding Company 1.00 5545 ------ 1.00 5550 Interest Related Companies 1.00 5555 ------ 1.00 5560 Interest Superannuation Fund 1.00 5565 ------ 1.00 5570 Journals & Periodicals 1.00 5575 ------ 1.00 5580 Land Tax 1.00 5585 ------ 1.00 5590 Leasing Charges 1.00 5595 ------ 1.00 5600 Leasing Motor Vehicles 1.00 5605 ------ 1.00 5610 Lease Preparation 1.00 5615 ------ 1.00 5620 Legal Expenses 1.00 5625 ------ 1.00 5630 Letting Fees 1.00 5635 ------ 1.00 5640 Levies 1.00 5645 ------ 1.00 5650 Licences & Permits 1.00 5655 ------ 1.00 5660 Locum Expenses 1.00 5665 ------ 1.00 5670 Long Service Leave 1.00 5675 ------ 1.00 5680 Loss On Sale Of Fixed Assets 1.00 5685 ------ 1.00 5690 Management Fees 1.00 5695 Merchant Fees 1.00 5700 Motor Vehicle Expenses 1.00 5705 ------ 1.00 Motor Vehicle Expenses 5710 Fuel & Oil 1.00 5711 Repairs 1.00 5712 Registration & Insurance 1.00 5713 Insurance 1.00 5714 Tyres 1.00 5715 Parking 1.00 5716 ------ 1.00 5717 ------ 1.00 5718 ------ 1.00 5719 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 10.00 5720 Occupancy Expenses 1.00 5725 ------ 1.00 5730 Office Expenses 1.00 5735 ------ 1.00 5740 Outside Assistance 1.00 5745 ------ 1.00 5750 Packaging 1.00 5755 ------ 1.00 5760 Payroll Tax 1.00 5765 ------ 1.00 5770 Perpetual Lease 1.00 5775 ------ 1.00 5780 Petty Cash Expenditure 1.00 5785 ------ 1.00 5790 Postage 1.00 5795 ------ 1.00 5800 Printing & Stationery 1.00 5805 ------ 1.00 5810 Protective Clothing 1.00 5815 ------ 1.00 5820 Provision For Doubtful Debts 1.00 5825 ------ 1.00 5830 Public Relations 1.00 5835 ------ 1.00 5840 Rates & Taxes 1.00 5845 ------ 1.00 5850 Repairs & Maintenance Building 1.00 5855 ------ 1.00 5860 Repairs & Maintenance General 1.00 5865 ------ 1.00 Repairs & Maintenance Plant & 5870 Equipment 1.00 5875 ------ 1.00 5880 Replacements 1.00 5885 ------ 1.00 5890 Registrations & Licences 1.00 5895 ------ 1.00 5900 Rent 1.00 5905 ------ 1.00 5910 Rent Rates & Taxes 1.00 5915 ------ 1.00 5920 Royalties 1.00 5925 ------ 1.00 5930 Rubbish Removal 1.00 5935 ------ 1.00 5940 Salaries 1.00 5945 ------ 1.00 5950 Salaries Partners 1.00 5955 ------ 1.00 5960 Secretarial Fees 1.00 5965 ------ 1.00 5970 Security 1.00 5975 ------ 1.00 5980 Seminars 1.00 5985 ------ 1.00 5990 Service Fees 1.00 5995 ------ 1.00 6010 Staff Amenities 1.00 6015 ------ 1.00 6020 Staff Hire 1.00 6025 ------ 1.00 6030 Staff Training 1.00 6035 ------ 1.00 6040 Storage 1.00 6045 ------ 1.00 6050 Subcontractors 1.00 6055 ------ 1.00 6060 Subscriptions 1.00 6065 ------ 1.00 6070 Superannuation 1.00 6075 ------ 1.00 6080 Superannuation Productivity 1.00 6085 ------ 1.00 Superannuation Working 6090 Directors 1.00 6095 ------ 1.00 6100 Telephone 1.00 6105 ------ 1.00 6110 Telephone Facsimile 1.00 6111 Telephone Mobile 1.00 6112 Telephone Pager 1.00 6113 Telephone Telex 1.00 6115 ------ 1.00 6120 ------ 1.00 6125 ------ 1.00 6130 ------ 1.00 6135 ------ 1.00 6140 ------ 1.00 6145 ------ 1.00 6150 Tool Replacement 1.00 6155 ------ 1.00 6160 Travelling Local 1.00 6165 ------ 1.00 6170 Travelling Overseas 1.00 6175 ------ 1.00 6180 Uniforms & Cleaning 1.00 6185 ------ 1.00 6190 Wages 1.00 6195 ------ 1.00 6200 Wages Bonus 1.00 6205 ------ 1.00 6210 Wages Casual 1.00 6215 ------ 1.00 6220 Wages & Salaries 1.00 6225 ------ 1.00 6235 ------ 1.00 6240 Window Display 1.00 6245 ------ 1.00 6250 Warranty Repairs & Service 1.00 6255 ------ 1.00 6260 Waste Removal 1.00 6265 ------ 1.00 6270 Window Display 1.00 6275 ------ 1.00 6280 Wrappings 1.00 6285 ------ 1.00 6290 ------ 1.00 6300 ------ 1.00 6400 ------ 1.00 6500 ------ 1.00 6501 ------ 1.00 6550 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 6551 ------ 1.00 6560 ------ 1.00 6600 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 3.00 6601 ------ 1.00 6650 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 6651 ------ 1.00 6700 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 6701 ------ 1.00 6750 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 6751 ------ 1.00 6800 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 6801 ------ 1.00 6850 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 6851 ------ 1.00 6900 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 6901 ------ 1.00 6950 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 6951 ------ 1.00 6955 ------ 1.00 6960 ------ 1.00 6970 ------ 1.00 6980 ------ 1.00 6990 ------ 1.00 7000 ------ SUSPENSE ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 296.00 ---------- ---------- 225.00 SELLING EXPENSES ---------------- 7001 Advertising 1.00 7008 Artists Fees 1.00 7009 Artwork 1.00 7010 Bankcard Charges 1.00 7020 Car Allowance 1.00 7030 Commission Paid 1.00 7040 Depreciation Shop Fittings 1.00 7050 Depreciation Motor Vehicles 1.00 7060 Depreciation Delivery Van 1.00 7070 Entertaining 1.00 7080 Freight & Cartage 1.00 7130 Motor Vehicle Expenses 1.00 7139 ------ 1.00 Motor Vehicle Expenses 7140 Fuel & Oil 1.00 7141 Repairs 1.00 7142 Registration & Insurance 1.00 7143 Insurance 1.00 7144 Tyres 1.00 7145 Parking 1.00 7149 ------ 1.00 7159 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 8.00 7160 Packaging 1.00 7170 Salaries 1.00 7180 Staff Hire 1.00 7190 Storage 1.00 7200 Travelling Local 1.00 7210 Travelling Overseas 1.00 7220 Wages 1.00 7230 Wages Bonus 1.00 7240 Wages Casual 1.00 7250 Wages & Salaries 1.00 7260 Wrappings 1.00 7270 Window Display 1.00 7280 Warranty Repairs & Service 1.00 7300 ------ 1.00 The following groups in A/cs 7301 7301 to 7500 can be used in 1.00 the same way as the motor 7302 vehicle dissection 7140 - 7159 1.00 7350 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 3.00 7351 ------ 1.00 7400 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 7401 ------ 1.00 7450 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 7451 ------ 1.00 7500 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 ---------- ---------- TOTAL SELLING EXPENSES 44.00 ---------- ---------- 269.00 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES ----------------------- 7501 Accountancy Fees 1.00 7505 Auditors Fees 1.00 7510 ------ 1.00 7520 Cleaning 1.00 7530 Computer Software 1.00 7540 Conference & Lecture Expenses 1.00 7550 Consulting Fees 1.00 7560 Depreciation 1.00 7561 Depreciation Buildings 1.00 7562 Depreciation Plant & Equipment 1.00 7563 Depreciation Motor Vehicles 1.00 Depreciation Fixtures & 7564 Fittings 1.00 7565 Depreciation Office Equipment 1.00 7566 Depreciation Small Plant Items 1.00 7568 Depreciation Trucks 1.00 7570 Diesel 1.00 7580 Directors Fees & Emoluments 1.00 7581 Directors Salaries 1.00 7590 Donations 1.00 7600 Fees & Charges 1.00 7610 Fines 1.00 7620 Freight & Cartage 1.00 7630 General Expenses 1.00 7640 Heat Light & Power 1.00 7650 Insurance 1.00 7660 Insurance WorkCover 1.00 7670 Journals & Periodicals 1.00 7680 Leasing Charges 1.00 7681 Leasing Motor Vehicles 1.00 7689 Lease Preparation 1.00 7690 Legal Expenses 1.00 7700 Letting Fees 1.00 7710 Licences & Permits 1.00 7720 Management Fees 1.00 7730 Motor Vehicle Expenses 1.00 7739 ------ 1.00 Motor Vehicle Expenses 7740 Fuel & Oil 1.00 7741 Repairs 1.00 7742 Registration & Insurance 1.00 7743 Insurance 1.00 7744 Tyres 1.00 7745 Parking 1.00 7749 ------ 1.00 7759 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 8.00 7760 Occupancy Expenses 1.00 7765 Office Expenses 1.00 7770 Outside Assistance 1.00 7780 Payroll Tax 1.00 7790 Petty Cash Expenditure 1.00 7800 Postage 1.00 7810 Printing & Stationery 1.00 7820 Public Relations 1.00 7830 Rates & Taxes 1.00 7840 Repairs & Maintenance Building 1.00 7841 Repairs & Maintenance General 1.00 Repairs & Maintenance Plant & 7842 Equipment 1.00 7850 Replacements 1.00 7860 Registrations & Licences 1.00 7870 Rent 1.00 7875 Rent Rates & Taxes 1.00 7880 Rubbish Removal 1.00 7890 Salaries 1.00 7900 Salaries Partners 1.00 7910 Secretarial Fees 1.00 7920 Security 1.00 7930 Seminars 1.00 7940 Staff Amenities 1.00 7945 Staff Hire 1.00 7947 Staff Training 1.00 7950 Subscriptions 1.00 7960 Superannuation 1.00 7965 Superannuation Productivity 1.00 Superannuation Working 7967 Directors 1.00 7970 Telephone 1.00 7973 Telephone Facsimile 1.00 7974 Telephone Mobile 1.00 7975 Telephone Pager 1.00 7976 Telephone Telex 1.00 7980 Uniforms & Cleaning 1.00 7990 Wages 1.00 7992 Wages Bonuses 1.00 7994 Wages Casual 1.00 7995 Wages & Salaries 1.00 8000 Waste Removal 1.00 8200 ------ 1.00 8201 ------ 1.00 8250 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 The following groups in A/cs 8251 8251 to 8500 can be used in 1.00 the same way as the motor 8252 vehicle dissection 7740 - 7759 1.00 8300 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 3.00 8301 ------ 1.00 8350 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 8351 ------ 1.00 8400 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 8401 ------ 1.00 8500 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 ---------- ---------- TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 96.00 ---------- ---------- 365.00 FINANCE EXPENSES ---------------- 8501 Bad Debts 1.00 8510 Bank Charges 1.00 8520 Borrowing Expenses 1.00 8530 Credit Card Charges 1.00 8540 Debt Collection 1.00 8550 Doubtful Debts 1.00 8560 Hire Purchase Charges 1.00 8570 Interest 1.00 8571 Interest Bank 1.00 8572 Interest Hire Purchase 1.00 8573 Interest Leasing 1.00 8574 Interest On Mortgage 1.00 8575 Interest Other 1.00 8577 Interest Holding Company 1.00 8578 Interest Related Companies 1.00 8579 Interest Superannuation Fund 1.00 8580 Motor Vehicle Expenses 1.00 8585 ------ 1.00 8589 ------ 1.00 Motor Vehicle Expenses 8590 Fuel & Oil 1.00 8591 Repairs 1.00 8592 Registration & Insurance 1.00 8593 Insurance 1.00 8594 Tyres 1.00 8595 Parking 1.00 8599 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 7.00 8600 Provision For Doubtful Debts 1.00 8650 Salaries 1.00 8690 Wages 1.00 8700 ------ 1.00 8701 ------ 1.00 8750 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 8751 ------ 1.00 8800 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- 2.00 ---------- ---------- TOTAL FINANCE EXPENSES 34.00 ---------- ---------- 399.00 EXPENSE CATEGORY 4 - OTHER -------------------------- 8801 ------ 1.00 9100 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- TOTAL EXPENSE CATEGORY 4 - OTHER 2.00 ---------- ---------- 401.00 EXPENSE CATEGORY 5 - OTHER -------------------------- 9101 ------ 1.00 9400 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- TOTAL EXPENSE CATEGORY 5 - OTHER 2.00 ---------- ---------- 403.00 EXPENSE CATEGORY 6 - OTHER -------------------------- 9401 ------ 1.00 9600 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- TOTAL EXPENSE CATEGORY 6 - OTHER 2.00 ---------- ---------- 405.00 EXPENSE CATEGORY 7 - OTHER -------------------------- 9601 ------ 1.00 9700 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- TOTAL EXPENSE CATEGORY 7 - OTHER 2.00 ---------- ---------- 407.00 ADD BACK EXPENSE CREDITS ------------------------ 9701 Depreciation 1.00 9710 Heat Light & Power 1.00 9720 Motor Vehicle Expenses 1.00 9730 Rates & Taxes 1.00 9740 Telephone 1.00 9750 Merchant Fees Recovered 1.00 ---------- ---------- TOTAL EXPENSE CREDITS 6.00 ---------- ---------- NET OPERATING LOSS [ 401.00] ========== ========== ADD NON - OPERATING REVENUE --------------------------- 9751 Interest Received 1.00 9760 Tax Exempt Income 1.00 Franked Dividends Public 9770 Companies 1.00 Unfranked Dividends Public 9771 Companies 1.00 Franked Dividends Private 9780 Companies 1.00 Unfranked Dividends Private 9781 Companies 1.00 9790 Overseas Dividends Received 1.00 9795 Share Of Partnership Profits 1.00 9800 Sundry Income 1.00 9805 Government Grants 1.00 9810 Government Subsidy Employees 1.00 9815 WorkCover Refunds 1.00 9820 Workers Compensation Refunds 1.00 9825 Insurance Recoveries 1.00 9830 Profit On Sale Of Fixed Assets 1.00 9835 Discount Received 1.00 9840 Imputation Credits 1.00 Revaluation Of Non Current 9845 Assets 1.00 9850 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- TOTAL NON - OPERATING REVENUE 19.00 ---------- ---------- 382.00 LESS NON - OPERATING EXPENSES ----------------------------- 9851 Amortisation Of Intangibles 1.00 9855 Amortisation Of Lease 1.00 Amortisation Leasehold 9860 Improvements 1.00 Capital Loss on Disposal of 9865 Investments 1.00 9870 Donations 1.00 9875 Fringe Benefits Tax 1.00 9880 Interest On Leasing Contracts 1.00 9885 Long Service Leave 1.00 9890 Loss On Sale Of Fixed Assets 1.00 9895 Loss Through Theft 1.00 9900 Provision For Annual Leave 1.00 9905 Provision For Doubtful Debts 1.00 Provision For Long Service 9910 Leave 1.00 Revaluation Of Non-Current 9915 Assets 1.00 9920 Share Of Partnership Losses 1.00 9948 ------ 1.00 ---------- ---------- TOTAL NON - OPERATING EXPENSES 16.00 ---------- ---------- 398.00 ADD - PRIMARY PRODUCTION INCOME ------------------------------ 9950 Net Loss Primary Production [ 140.00] ---------- ---------- NET LOSS [ 538.00] ========== ==========
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