Emailing Transactions in Plain TextIn Cadzow 2000 version 9.05.019 (May 2002) we added the ability to email invoices, purchase orders, bookings (and other transactions) in plain text format. To email a plain text invoice/purchase order etc: - Commit the transaction or load the transaction you are interested in using Accounts Receivable — Enquiries.
- Click Print/Preview.
You will prompted whether to preview, print, export, email or fax the report:  - Choose Email.
- Choose Plain Text.
- Choose an email address (this is optional; you can type it into the message later).
Alternatively, if you wish to send the message to a recipient inside your organisation, click Show Internal Users' Emails. If you wish to send the message to a recipient from another organisation, click Choose Organisation and select the organisation. That organisation's email addresses will appear in the Email Address field. - Choose OK.
- An email message will be automatically generated for you. Make any changes and click Send.
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