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Merging Organisations

From time to time you might want to merge two organisations together. This is most commonly used when the same organisation has been accidentally set up twice. You can merge them together, transferring all the history over.

The history that is transferred depends on what Cadzow packages you have licenced. For example, it might include time entries (from the Cadzow Time Manager), invoices/receipts etc (from Accounts Receivable), purchases/payments etc (from Accounts Payable) and so on.

Please note this is a very powerful feature and can not be undone.

  1. From the main menu, choose Contact Manager.

  2. Choose Organisation Functions.

  3. Choose Merge Organisations.

  4. Specify the two organisations (the one being deleted and the one being kept).

  5. Clean up the source organisation (ie. delete/modify any information that you do not want transferred, as now there might be multiple numbers, addresses etc). If you want to check out their set up, click Load This Organisation.

  6. When you are ready to merge, click Merge Now.

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