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Stock Transaction Message Alerts


Have you ever had the need when invoicing a particular stock item that you want to remind staff to do something?

Example: Every time a staff member invoices a car tube, you want to remind them to invoice the fitting as well.


For that particular stock item, consider setting a “Transaction Message Alert”:

  1. From the Main Menu, choose the Stock Control tab.

  2. Via Setup Stock, load the stock item you are interested in.

  3. From the Control Panel, choose Comments.

  4. Under Transaction Message Alert, type whatever message you want to automatically appear when this item is used in a transaction (invoice, purchase, credit note etc).

Then when that stock item is used in a transaction (eg. an invoice), a message will automatically appear:

Note that if you are invoicing in “quick mode” you will need version 12.09.006 or later for this transaction message alert to be activated.

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