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How to edit articles

  1. Logon to your website using your user credentials. Only users with the necessary editing permission will be allowed to edit articles.

  2. Go to the page you want to edit and click Edit.

  3. You will be presented with the Edit Article page.

  4. Make changes, then choose Save.

Editing Commands

Basic formatting

Bold <b>The cat sat on the mat</b>

Italics <i>The cat sat on the mat</i>

Underline <u>The cat sat on the mat</u>

Small text <small>The cat sat on the mat</small>


Heading 1 style <h1>The cat sat on the mat</h1>

Heading 2 style <h2>The cat sat on the mat</h2>

Heading 3 style <h3>The cat sat on the mat</h2>


An asterisk (*) at the beginning of a line will turn on bullets. However you need to turn off bullets at the end of the list using: *.

* The cat sat on the mat.

* The cat sat on the mat.

* The cat sat on the mat.



Note that the characters < and > have special meaning in web pages, so can’t be used in the ordinary sense. If you really want to use them, use the codes & l t ; and & g t ;

Linking to another page <article=1008>Welcome</a>

Events <events=2>A Year By Year History</A>

Inserting a blank line on a page: <linebreak>

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