Outlook Express & Blocked AttachmentsMicrosoft Outlook Express 6.0 SP1 introduced a new feature which blocks access to certain file types received in email messages. The main intention is to block file types which are not generally suitable for transmission by email and which are usually viruses, such as .exe, .vbs, .pif, .scr (and some others), but certain legitimate file types are also blocked, such as .pdf. To gain access to a blocked attachment: - Consider the origin of the file and whether it is likely to be legitimate.
- Ensure your anti-virus software is up to date.
- Open the mail message.
- Click the Forward button in the toolbar or press Ctrl-F.
- The attachment is now accessible. Double-click the file to open it, or save it to your hard disk using File, Save Attachments.
The list of file types is part of Internet Explorer, and the file list is sometimes updated. Therefore you may find additional file types being blocked after installing Internet Explorer updates. |