Upgrading Toshiba Notebooks to Microsoft Windows VistaToshiba notebooks purchased between October 26, 2006 to March 15, 2007 qualify for an inexpensive upgrade to Microsoft Windows Vista. Note that, although we recommend the claiming of the upgrade, we advise against immediately installing the upgrade. Consult your IT support provider for further advice. To claim the upgrade: - Online orders must be placed before March 30, 2007.
You will need the model number and Windows XP Certificate of Authenticity (COA) ID which are located under the base of the unit.  - Visit http://www.isd.toshiba.com.au/vistaupgrade/index.html.
Click the link marked CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE EXPRESS UPGRADE TO WINDOWS VISTA PROGRAM WEBSITE. - Enter the country (Australia) and click Windows Vista.
- Read the information and click Next.
- Choose the version of Windows XP installed on your notebook (usually Windows XP Professional) and the language (English).
- Choose the version of Vista you wish to upgrade to and the quantity required. In the case of Windows XP Professional, only Windows Vista Business is offered.
- Click Next.
- For each line, select the Toshiba notebook model, enter the serial number and Windows XP COA key and date of purchase.
Click Next. - Continue the remainder of the checkout process.