Transferring Skype Settings / Missing ContactsOn Microsoft Windows, Skype stores each user's profile settings at: %APPDATA%\Skype\<SkypeUsername> For example, under Windows XP/2003 and earlier, by default this is C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Application Data\Skype\<SkypeUsername>; under Windows Vista and above it is C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\Skype\<SkypeUsername>. To transfer Skype settings from one computer to another, copy the folder <SkypeUsername> from the original computer to the appropriate location on the new computer. When opening Skype on the new computer, the contacts may appear then disappear quickly, or not appear. To resolve this, close Skype, copy the <SkypeUsername> folder again, but then delete (or rename) config.xml. Then open Skype. Skype will run the initialisation wizard which recreates config.xml. |