Problem Installing Hardware in Windows XPWhen installing a hardware device in Windows XP, you may receive the following error: Cannot Install This Hardware An error occurred during the installation of the device. A service installation section in this INF is invalid. The .inf file for the device may contain the following: [WUDFRD_ServiceInstall] ServiceType=1 StartType=3 ErrorControl=1 ServiceBinary=%12%\WUDFRd.sys This has been observed with some digital cameras. This will occur if Windows XP does not have the User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF) installed. The easiest way to install the User-Mode Driver Framework is to install Windows Media Player (WMP) 11 for Windows XP. There is no easily-used standalone UMDF installer. After installing WMP, it may be necessary to uninstall the device from Device Manager, allow Windows to detect the device and reinstall. A device which has a failed installation will not automatically reinstall. This should not occur on Windows Vista and above as the UMDF is already installed. However there is an an update for it, so it may be necessary to use Windows Update to obtain the update, reboot and try again. |