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Upgrading Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Pro

Windows 10 Home can be upgraded to Windows 10 Pro using the Pro Pack. This is similar to the Windows 7 Anytime Upgrade and Add Features to Windows 8.

To perform the upgrade:

  1. Click Start and search for Activation.

  2. Click Go to Store:

  3. Click the price, and accept the User Account Control dialog.

  4. When prompted for an account to use, typically you would choose Microsoft Account unless your IT administrators have provided other information.

  5. Sign in with the appropriate account, and verify your workstation's login password.

    Then follow the prompts to enter credit card information etc.

  6. The Store will then change to show it is ready to upgrade:

  7. Click Start Upgrade and accept the various prompts.

    The upgrade will do some preparation work, then reboot a few times.

    Post-update, if you were previously using a local account, it will be linked to the Microsoft account used to purchase the upgrade key.

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