Case Study: INET_E_DOWNLOAD_FAILUREWhen accessing or, both Internet Explorer and Edge on Windows 10 fail to connect and display: Can't reach this page. Make sure the address is correct. More information: The connection to the site was reset. Error Code: INET_E_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE Scenario: - This occurs on all user profiles in the system.
- Originally noticed on Windows 10 1709 but persists after upgrade to Windows 10 1803.
- The affected system does not use any special networking settings (DHCP to the server/router as usual).
- There are no additional entries in hosts.
- Other machines on the same network work correctly.
- Other https sites work correctly.
We do not currently have a solution for this problem, however we suspect it is related to the CA used to sign these websites, as they are both Google. |