2023 Changes to TPG MailboxesNote: We're providing the following information as a courtesy for our affected clients. We don't have any control over this process. Internet Service Providers of a particular age needed to supply their customers with an email address because it was difficult for individuals or small business to otherwise achieve. So a customer signing up for an Internet data service with, say, Internode, would be provided with an email address of the form [email protected]. Over the years, there are many free email providers (Gmail, Hotmail/Outlook.com, ProtonMail et al) and corporate email is much easier (eg Office 365 Exchange Online). But in the meantime the ability of ISPs to provide a reliable email service has diminished as they are flooded with spam and the storage requirements have skyrocketed. So email has become an extremely difficult product to supply within the revenue of the data service. Internet service providers which started in the “modern” Internet era typically have not provided an email service to their customers as it was not needed. As of 2023, the service providers in the TPG group (TPG, iiNet, Internode, Adam, Westnet and others) have decided to move their email infrastructure to a third-party. This service will be initially free but during 2024 it will become a paid service. What To Do- Initially, anybody with some sort of TPG mailbox must complete an “opt-in” process which signals that they want their mailbox moved to the new provider.
- At the time of the opt-in, this does not trigger the move, or commit you to any fees.
- If you don't complete the opt-in process, your mailbox will not be transferred and will subsequently vanish.
- Even if you feel you want to abandon the mailbox, complete the opt-in process anyway and you can decide later.
- Later your mailbox will move to the new provider and it may be necessary to update the password — further advice will follow from the provider.
- The modern free email services are typically faster, more reliable and have better storage than the ISP mailboxes. But the current email service on the new provider should be of a high quality, since they will want to turn it into a paid product.
If I Do Nothing, What Will Happen To My Email?- If you do nothing, your mailbox will be deleted.
Opt-In LinksOnce you have successfully opted-in, you should receive a confirmation screen: