Miscellaneous SettingsThe Accounts Receivable, Miscellaneous option allows specific tailoring of the system for your own needs. This is accomplished simply by altering the pre-set defaults. General SettingsGeneral Settings II- Jobs: If this option is enabled, line items in transactions will require the entry of a job number.
- On transactions, automatically choose postal address: If this option is enabled, transactions will automatically select a postal address after the organisation has been chosen. If no postal address exists, a street address will be chosen. If this option is not enabled, the user will be prompted to select an address upon choosing the organisation.
- Reset all draft transactions marked as IN PROGRESS: If draft transactions are still flagged as “in progress” due to improper shutdown (see “Cannot open Draft transaction”) this option can be used to clear the flags. This option should only be used if you are positive no other users have drafts open, so ensure all users have exited Cadzow 2000 before using. As long as no other users are in the system, this option is quite benign and does not make any changes to the transactions themselves. It simply resets the flags that keep track of open transactions.
InvoicesCredit NotesOrganisationsStatementsThis section defines the behaviour of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable statements. - Beginning Message, End Message: This text will appear at the top and bottom of the statement respectively. It could be details of your terms, payment details or a promotional message.
- If Grouping All Depts Onto Single Statements, Use Letterhead From: This Department's letterhead will be used when grouping statements. (This could be a Department created specifically for this purpose, it need not be a Department used for day-to-day transactions.)
- Style: Choose Summary Only or Details of Each Transaction. The latter is the traditional Balance Brought Forward statement style which summarises the transactions for the period chosen. The latter is a Invoice/Statement style where the full details of each invoice are shown and is typically used instead of issuing individual invoices. This is a default setting and can be changed when statements are produced.
- Show Tax Component on Statement: Enable to have the tax component appear on the statement. This is a default setting and can be changed when statements are produced.
- Show Perforation Line on Statement: Enable to have the performation line of the remittance slip appear on the statement.
ReceiptsPoint of Sale“Point of Sale” mode is a special version of ordinary invoicing, optimised for fast entry (and the use of a barcode reader if there is one). Minimal data entry is required. To use Point of Sale mode, start a normal invoice under Accounts Receivable, New Invoice and click Start POS Invoice. The following settings will then be used. - On the Invoice screen, show the POS button? — This setting must be enabled for POS mode to be accessible when entering invoices.
- Default POS Dept, Default POS Account, Default POS Price Level — The default department, account (normally the CASH sales account) and price level to use. A quantity of 1 is automatically used for each line item.
- Docket Heading — Enter your business details here, including A.B.N.
- Docket Footer — Enter any other details you wish here, such as opening times, specials.
- Use a Docket Printer? — If enabled, the system will create an invoice in “docket” mode, ie. a narrow, plain-text invoice optimised for space.
- Docket Printer Port, Cash Drawer Port — Enter the port these devices are connected to, usually the same but not necessarily. The port can be a LPT port such as LPT2 or a UNC path such as \\SERVER\PRINTER. If the docket printer is a locally-attached USB or other device, share it and map a path to it (see USB/Infrared Printers).
- Cash Drawer Cut — Enter the code to instruct the printer to cut the docket.
- If not using a docket printer, choose Invoice and Receipt, Invoice Only or Receipt Only. In this case, a standard invoice and/or receipt will be printed to the default printer.
- Default Form of Payment — If you find your customers mostly use a particular form of payment, you can save some data entry time by selecting here. You will still be able to change the payment type at the point of entry, however.
- Treat Invoice Dockets As — If your custom is to issue monthly statements which act as Tax Invoices, then choose Sale Summary Only — Account Statement to Follow. Otherwise choose Tax Invoices (recommended).
Layout PromptsDatesThis section allows the Cadzow 2000 transaction date policy to be specified. The three settings are:- Do Not Allow Entries Dated Prior To (default 01/07/2003 for versions 12.02.004 and earlier, 01/07/2004 otherwise);
- Allow Forward Dated Entries Up To n Days In The Future (default 90) and
- Allow Entries Dated In The Next Financial Year (default no).
The settings can be changed at will; they do not have any effect on the stored entries. They are only used to validate the dates that entries may be created with. You may, for example, temporarily change the policies to make a one-off correction, and then set them back to the original settings. The temptation may be to widen the date policies to allow more flexibility in data entry, but we recommend the settings be kept relatively tight. The date policy is checked prior to committing the following transactions: Invoices, Credit Notes, Receipts (and reverse receipts), Quotations, Orders, Purchases, Purchase Credit Notes, Payments (and reverse payments), Bookings, Transfer Adjustments, Bank Deposits, Express Purchases/Payments and Stock Adjustments.
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