Checking Stock QuantitiesCadzow 2000 contains a number of facilities to show stock on hand. During a Transaction- Right-click the stock code and choose Calculate Stock on Hand.
- The system will show a dialog which says:
Stock on Hand: X Stock Available (including drafts): Y The first figure only includes committed transactions up to and including today. (Future transactions are not included.) The second figure includes draft invoices, credit notes, purchases and purchase credit notes as being an approximation of stock that is “available”. For example, if there are 17 of an item in stock, but 3 have been entered in a draft invoice, the system shows 14 as available. The draft transaction represents stock allocated to a customer.
In Stock Setup- Under Stock Control, choose Stock and Services.
- Load the item required using F3 and click Stock on Hand from the Control Panel on the right-hand side.
The same dialog as described above appears.
At Any Time- Press F12 to invoke the Stock Search dialog.
- Enter the item to search for and click Search Now (or press ENTER).
- Click Show Stock on Hand (or press Alt-H).
The stock on hand will be shown next to each item, but only for items where the stock on hand is non-zero. It also shows the “Available” stock, which is calculated the same way as the above. Note that this option can be very intensive due to the calculations involved so it is best to perform a narrow search.
ReportingCadzow 2000 contains detailed stock on hand reporting. - Choose the Stock Control tab on the Main Menu.
- Choose Enquiries — Stock/Services.
- Choose the criteria of stock you wish to include in the report. To include all stock, keep the default settings.
- Click Next Step (Results).
All matching stock will be shown. - Click Stock on Hand Report.
- Choose the date you wish the report generated to.
- Choose the other report criteria and options.
- Click Print/Preview Report.
- Print, display or export the report as required.
The report shows two stock valuations, “current” cost and the last purchase price at the report date. For example, if you have made two purchases of an item, 21st April and 12th June, at different prices, a stock report at 30th April will show the former value and a stock report at 30th June will show the latter value. If the last transaction on a date basis was an incoming or outgoing stock adjustment, it will use that value instead. Stock adjustments can be made with a cost value, but this was not always the case. Therefore if the last transaction happens to be a very old stock adjustment without a cost value, the value will simply be $0. (As an aside, it could be that this is an accurate valuation because very old stock you haven't been able to sell for some years is probably worth $0 anyway for financial purposes.) In any case, this scenario can be adjusted by entering a stock adjustment for that item with one line item at quantity 1 and another line item at quantity -1, back-dated appropriately. This injects the cost into the system for the purposes of the last purchase price value. (Both line items would have to contain the cost value.) Another caveat is that if you buy stock at a normal price and then buy the same stock from a different supplier for a greatly reduced price, it will show the reduced price because it is most recent. In this situation the only way around this is to have different stock codes to represent different values. If there are vast differences between suppliers the very cheap stock is really a different product.
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