Windows 2003 Service PacksCadzow 2000 CompatibilityMicrosoft releases major updates to Windows Server 2003 called Service Packs. We have tested Cadzow 2000 with both the Release Candidate (RC) and final version of Service Pack 1 and the final version of Service Pack 2 and found no problems. Because Service Packs are cumulative, it is only necessary to install the latest Service Pack. However, Small Business Server 2003 is a special case. See “SBS 2003 Procedure” below. Upgrade ProcedureBroadly the procedure is: - Make a list of each of the programs on the server (eg. database, email, UPS monitor and so on) and check each vendor's website for any updates or advisories related to the Service Pack. Even if there are no specific advisories, download and install the latest patches for those programs. Check Microsoft's Application Compatibility list below.
- Update your antivirus program so that both the signatures and the program are fully up to date (some anti-virus programs do not update the program when downloading signature updates and this may require a separate download).
- Perform a full virus scan. If any viruses are found, reboot after cleaning and scan again.
- Perform a full spyware scan. If any spyware is found, reboot after cleaning and scan again.
- Install the Service Pack.
SBS 2003 ProcedureWindows Small Business Server (SBS) 2003 users should first apply SBS 2003 SP1 before applying any later Service Packs. SBS 2003 is based on Windows Server 2003, and SBS 2003 SP1 consists of Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 1, SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4, ISA Server 2004 Service Pack 1, plus a collection of fixes unique to the Small Business Server components. The SBS 2003 SP1 procedure is: - Apply the standard Windows 2003 Service Pack 1 package;
- Apply the standard Microsoft Exchange 2003 Service Pack 1 and Sharepoint Services update; and
- Apply the SBS 2003 SP1 package, which contains SQL Server 2000 SP4, ISA Server 2004 SP1 and other SBS 2003 updates.
When this is done, review and then apply the latest Service Packs for Windows Server 2003, Exchange Server 2003 and SQL Server 2000 (if any). NotesResources |