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Configuring Exchange / Small Business Server for Outlook Anywhere Access with iPhone

The iPhone supports Microsoft Exchange servers via the Outlook Mobile Access feature. To configure this requires configuration of the server, router and the iPhone.

Small Business Server 2003

  1. On the Small Business Server, log in as Administrator and run the Server Management Console.

  2. On the home page, click Internet and E-Mail.

  3. Click Connect to the Internet.

  4. Run the wizard:

    1. Under Connection Type, choose Do not change connection type.

    2. Under Web Services Configuration, ensure Outlook Mobile Access is enabled.

    3. Under Web Server Certificate, choose Create a new Web Server Certificate if you have not previously done so, or choose Do not change current Web server certificate.

      If you create a new certificate, the Web Server name is the address of the server as referenced from outside the network, eg. “”, not the internal name such as “server.domain.local”. (The server name could also be a Dynamic DNS host name if you do not use a static IP address.)

    4. Under Internet E-Mail, choose Do not change Internet e-mail configuration.

    5. Click Finish.


Router/Firewall Configuration

  • Ensure port 443 is open and redirected to the server.

iPhone/iPad Configuration

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