Outlook Express: Adding a Mail Store PasswordOutlook Express can provide a slight layer of protection to the mail store with a password. The procedure is: - Open Outlook Express.
- Choose File → Identities → Manage Identities.
- Choose the Identity that requires a password.
- Click Properties.
- Enable Require a Password.
- Enter the password when prompted and click OK.
- Click OK to exit the Identity Properties dialog.
- Click Close to exit the Manage Identities dialog.
If you set a password on the Main Identity, or the identity which is loaded when Outlook Express opens, by default you will not be prompted for a password. To force Outlook Express to request the password on the startup identity, you must exit Outlook Express using File → Exit and Log Off Identity. If you exit Outlook Express using Alt-F4, or by clicking the cross at the top of the window, or by choosing File → Exit, Outlook Express will not prompt for a password at next startup. Note that the Outlook Express password is not very strong, and does not encrypt or otherwise make unreadable the contents of the mail store. Outlook Express' password feature only prevents what might be referred to as “casual sticky-beaking” by non-technical users. For better security, ensure your workstation has a good password, and keep the machine logged out or locked when not in use. |